Discovery News
An interactive immersive experience with Watson and live data.
Discovery News: Experiential AR/VR/XR Case Study
Concept Creation, Creative Direction & Visual Design:
Jenny Woo
Creative Technologist:
Application Development:
Design and Development:
Discovery News
Could Watson really handle data on a massive scale and find the signal in the noise? Could it help people to quickly find unexpected patterns and relationships?
For five two-week sprints, I led a team of creative technologists and developers to create an immersive application using live news data. We wanted to invigorate the routine of browsing a news feed while demonstrating the power of a Watson service, Watson Discovery News.
One of the strengths of this service is its ability to analyze unstructured text to extract meta-data from content, made possible with embedded natural language processing capabilities. The service provided data such as: concepts, entities, sentiments, semantic roles, authors, and publication dates with associated confidence scores.
This first of a kind technical demo within the immersion room using live data and services remains one of the top used applications within the Centers touching which over $16B+ in sales opportunity since 2016
93+ pts NPS
4 Awards Nominations
+3,310 total visits since 2016