Foundations of AI: Experiential AR/VR/XR Case Study

Foundations of AI

Foundations of AI: Experiential AR/VR/XR Case Study

Foundations of AI: Experiential AR/VR/XR Case Study

Creative Direction & Design: 

Jenny Woo

Visual Design:

Local Projects

Design and Development: 

Oblong Industries

 For six two-week sprints, I led a large team of design agency and development partners to create a native g-speak application that is a primer to help the lightly initiated better understand what machine learning and AI systems are.

For six two-week sprints, I led a large team of design agency and development partners to create a native g-speak application that is a primer to help the lightly initiated better understand what machine learning and AI systems are.

 Data is all around us. People make sense of it, computers process it. Shifting the perspective of a photogrammetric scene illustrates how brittle traditionally programmed systems can be when contrasted with how easily the audience can interpret the

Data is all around us. People make sense of it, computers process it. Shifting the perspective of a photogrammetric scene illustrates how brittle traditionally programmed systems can be when contrasted with how easily the audience can interpret the scene as the perspective shifts occur.

 As the volume of data, digital transformation, and the pace of technological change accelerate, the ability of organizations and professionals to keep up and capitalize on the opportunity becomes more challenging.  This is where machine learning com

As the volume of data, digital transformation, and the pace of technological change accelerate, the ability of organizations and professionals to keep up and capitalize on the opportunity becomes more challenging. This is where machine learning comes in.

 My story features an insurance use case. It demonstrates the process of training a custom ML model, by highlighting the different results from a general visual recognition model vs a custom model.

My story features an insurance use case. It demonstrates the process of training a custom ML model, by highlighting the different results from a general visual recognition model vs a custom model.

 Using Watson Studio, I trained an image classifier on open source car damage photos to group images by severity of damage.

Using Watson Studio, I trained an image classifier on open source car damage photos to group images by severity of damage.



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